“I opened this shocking ‘death letter, outlined in black’ sometime after the 15th of November 1970. I was about to send an invitation, and love letter to Gisela Braun. The poem written about it and the sad news was not written until 2017. My love and my sadness persists.” Wally George Du Temple ” Concerning […]
Oni Fermiŝ Monaĥinejon Apud muro, vindrinkantoj Sidas, ebrie parolemaj. Parolas la unua, “Ĉu vi aŭdiŝ tion?” Respondas la dua, “Ĉu mi audiŝ kion?” “Pro manko oni fermiŝ la monaĥinejon” “Pro manko de kio?” “Pro manko de monaĥoj, idioto!” “Sed vi diriŝ oni fermiŝ monaĥinejon.” “Monaĥoj fifine alportiŝ pomojn de la Fruktoĝardeno,- monaĥinejon.” “Kio […]
“I wrote this after the death of my dear friend David Smethurst. It was written for his wife Joyce, also my dearest friend from university days at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.” _______________________________________________________________ On the rare occasion of two sail boats sailing without their captains or crew! At A Chance Meeting Of […]
The view Over bare skin of tourist shoulders, On a ship deck behind Nuku Hiva, The wonders of the soft ruby glow, Sun descending into an azure sea, In the Marquesas Islands, Of French Polynesia, Burnt sienna backs, Open cans of beer.
QUESTIONING BITCH A golden feral bitch sits Showing swollen milky tits On a tourist trail in Tahiti, Ears down, tail still, nose quivering, I see questions in her mother’s eyes What’s in his pack sack? “Should I flee or beg”?
ODDITY OUR CANINE LADY I kissed good night to my cocker spaniel, Our black and white lady with shiny long hair. I caressed her soft long ears in her stately chair. Carved, teak legs curved upward around her throne And swept around a shell shaped back where prone On top, sat that fat cat […]
Trench Warfare Trench warfare. Blue moon In fetid puddle. Red poppy In no mans’ land Trench warfare. Springs and summers Endless. Lovely bride Where are you? Trench warfare. Stars above Barbed wire. I’ll be home By Christmas Trench warfare Snow in hair. Sunrise Naked bodies. Decomposing Trench warfare. Incoming shells. […]
Fragrances Sitting on a jet plane Flying to Tahiti on Tahiti Nui To cruise on Aranui I read Enroute Of fragrances. Mascara eyelashes that wink me in. ‘Angel Stars of The Skies’ ‘Rudy Lips’ ‘Lady Million’ ‘Lola’ ‘Fahrenheit Absolute’ ‘Trésor in Love’ ‘La nuit de l’ homme’ ‘One Summer’. Tell me Yves St. Laurent […]
MOTHER VENDOR The red flowering and leafing sari Blossomed on her Tahitian thighs Mirrored on blue water reflecting skies. Bronze toes beckoned on her blankets of business Carvings and jewelry she had laid By her blond haired boy by another trade A ‘tiare’ blossom beckons to the rear Is she asking for more than […]