In the beginning of the new year, this paragraph by Aldous Huxley is worth considering, I think. Komence de la nova jaro, jena paragrafo de Aldous Huxley indas por konsidero – mi pensas. La Eterna Filosofio, Lasta paragrafo, ĉapitro X11 de Aldous Huxley Kiel ajna alia formo de imperiismo, teologia imperiismo estas minaco al daŭra […]
Float Home Cruise Ship The cruise ship charged Whistleless at my sail boat In a narrow channel Between Islands Of The Salish Sea. I was powerless with sails up Tacking against a current Knotted against me. The water boiled. I recoiled In dread I could see them Cosmetic lazy travellers Lounging unconcerned Tending to their […]
RESPONDO AL ‘REE PRI PACO’ de Jiri Korinek 1986 en “Poemaro por Paco” UEA Pri tio ja emas mi temi ke mi jes emas emi Pri l’ paco jes poemi, Jes ja mi certon havas, ke paco seme kreskas Ĉar biomo igi emas de estaĵoj agesemaj al […]
The Land Was A Loom ( revised 18rd dec. 2019 ) I sailed the fjords between Powell River and Drury Inlet to beyond the Salish Sea. The land itself spoke from mountains, water falls, islets From bird song and bear splashing fishers From rutting moose and cougars sharp incisors. The place has a scale that needs […]
El ipernity E-poemoj ( Richard Dawkins originis la esprimon, memeo, en sia libro ‘The Selfish Gene’ en 1976 ) Ĉu li malgajis kiam plimulto voĉdonis referendume en 2016 forlasi la Eŭropan Komonumon? Memeo kaj geno Klarigis li – “Memeo egale valoras kiel geno. Memeo nomas ĉian eron de kultura informo kiun unu menso donas al […]
Impermanence. We’re waves Thaw, melt and freeze Impermanence of breeze We’re castles of sand – Leveled by bully’s hand We’re spider webs and beaver dams all Mists and illusions ephemeral We’re mountains disappearing We’re rivers just appearing – Carrying cliffs to emerald sea Forming deltas of eddying debris We’re a smile of effervescence A vivacity […]
Bike Training For Mr. President Trump? Dear Mr. Editor; It was my grand daughter’s sixth birthday when Donald Trump won the vote for President. We are watching Hillary on television. Marilyn had wanted Hillary to win probably because I did. I had talked about the glass ceiling, how Hillary would break it, be the first […]
ON POETRY / PRI POEZIO Rex Murphy, “Rememortago,” telesendita de la CBC-a The National, la 12-an de novembro 2015. Traduko de Wally Du Temple Poezio kaj memoro estas patrino kaj filino. La grandaĝaj mitologioj diras tion al ni. En tempo antaŭ raportoj, eĉ antaŭ skribarto, poezio estis la maniero per kiu grandaj eventoj, kaj la […]
Envirowritings of Wally du Temple Bees Bees, blossoming flowers and fruits are foundational to the lives of all creatures, great and small. Soil, sun, plants, bees and mammals – from ancient times they gave birth to civilizations. Most civilizations honored the bees and flowers in paintings, stories, sculptures and poetry. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886 ) wrote […]
My Old Saddle Like a heavy rose in silver and leather Every stitch a life, thirty-three pounds In cow hide, veined by fields In the foothills of Alberta, Reined and grained by waving wheat, Watered by a woodland creek, Nourished by the mouths of cattle, Shaped by the hands of an artist Tooled in flower […]